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Flag Notices

Per the United States Flag Code, all persons or entities covered by the Flag Display Act are to fly the American & Illinois flags at half-staff on designated days such as specific holidays (Peace Officers Memorial Day, Memorial Day, Patriot Day, and Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day) and to honor the passing of fallen soldiers, police officers, firefighters, and certain elected officials. Flags should be displayed at full-staff on all other days.

Water Hardness Map

The Water service area, in cooperation with the Engineering Division, maintains this water hardness map to help residents determine settings for new water softeners. The hardness is based on a generalization of hardness for the wells serving the various zones indicated below. Click on the map image to download a PDF map.

School Resource Officers

The Police/School Liaison Program is designed to allow easy access to a police officer for high school students and staff with police-related issues.

The officer is a visible, active law enforcement figure on campus, working to reduce juvenile crime by helping students formulate an awareness of rules, school safety, and justice.

The program provides a police officer as a classroom resource for instruction in the following areas:

Forensic Unit

Property Room

The property room of the Police Department has two primary functions.  One is to maintain what is called a "chain of custody" for evidence in criminal cases.  The court rules require that evidence be stored in an area not accessible to anyone but a few, authorized Police Department personnel.  Any movement of the evidence to a detective investigating the crime, or to an officer that needs it for court, etc., must be documented.  To fail to perform either of these functions could cause the evidence to be inadmissible in court.
