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Illinois Murderer and Violent Offenders Against Youth (IMVOAY)

 State of Illinois IMVOAY.

All Illinois Murderer and Violent Offenders Against Youth (IMVOAY) listed as residing in the City of St. Charles, IL can be found on the State of Illinois IMVOAY registry.

Persons required to register as Violent Offender Against Youths are persons who have been convicted of an offense listed in Illinois Compiled Statutes 730 ILCS 154/5 when such charge results in the finding the offense was not sexually motivated and in the finding one of the following:

IRS Phone Scam

The IRS scam continues to take victims across the country, and right here in St. Charles. A recent change has been that the scammers are asking for payment over the phone with Apple iTunes cards, which should be a major red flag. While the scammers seem to still prefer to place phone calls, the Aurora Police Department recently shared a fake letter received, viewable on this page, by one of their residents. This signals a shift in the scammers’ methods, and suggests that not as many victims are falling via phone calls and voicemail messages anymore.

Mail Order, Kit or Catalog Houses

Beginning in the early 1900s through the 1940s, many homes were bought as kits from companies like Sears, Aladdin, and Montgomery Ward. A number of mail order homes were constructed in St. Charles. 

In 2013, the St. Charles Historic Preservation Commission worked with architectural historian Rebecca Hunter to conduct a street-by-street survey of St. Charles to identify possible mail order homes marketed by Sears Roebuck, Gordon-Van Tine, Montgomery Ward, Harris Brothers, Aladdin, Lewis, and Sterling. A total of 68 homes were identified. 

For the Week of November 25, 2013 - Final Update on Municipal Center Project

As part of an ongoing commitment to maintain City owned facilities, last year, the Public Services Division completed an exterior conditions analysis of the Municipal Building at 2 E. Main Street. The analysis was performed by a local architectural-construction firm, the Prairie Forge Group. This analysis was a study of the building’s exterior shell and resulted in identifying key deficiencies that required repairs to keep the structure weather-tight.
